Helicopter operations to and from natural helicopter landing sites
Applicable legislation:
form: FAO-FRM-003
Helicopter operations to and from natural helicopter
landing sites (hereinafter NHLS) are permitted only with the approval of the
Agency and under the conditions specified in the approval, taking into account the
safety of operations.
An approval is issued for occasional individual
operation(s) of landing and take-off on/from NHLS, which is defined as a flight
operation not characterised as permanent, frequent, and continuous when landing
and taking off on/from the same locality.
The maximum number of yearly permitted operations is
restricted to 50 per locality.
The restriction on the number of operations and locality(ies) is not applicable when performing specialised operations or HEMS training flights.
The request for the approval of helicopter operations to and from NHLS must be
submitted by the helicopter operator on the published application form.
A completed application must be accompanied by the
documents listed on the application form and submitted to the Agency not later
than seven (7) working days before the commencement of the operation.
The stated
deadline starts from the day when a fully completed application form and
mandatory documents are received.
Within the application form, the operator shall list
the planned locality(s) and number of operations per locality, which must not
exceed a time period of three months.
Landing and take-off of on/from a NHLS is prohibited within congested areas and
at distances less than 150 m (500 ft) from congested areas.
Landing and take-off from NHLS may be conducted by a helicopter pilot having
the adequate pilot license and at least 3 take-offs and landings in the last 90
days on the type of helicopter specified in the application.
Prior to the commencement of the operations, the helicopter operator shall
notify the relevant local police Operations and Communications Centres.
The list and phone/fax numbers of the local police authorities may be found here.
The approval issued by the Agency is aviation safety
related and does not exempt the operator of the obligation to obtain approvals
or consents required by other regulations (for example, consent of the property
owner, physical planning, environmental protection, national parks, etc.).