


ATM/ANS Department performs administrative and professional activities within the jurisdiction of Croatian Civil Aviation Agency as the National Supervisory Authority (NSA), which relates to certification of air navigation service providers and ATCO training organisations as well as oversight and inspections in the area of:

  • air traffic services (ATS),
  • air traffic flow management (ATFM),
  • airspace management (ASM),
  • aeronautical information (AIS),
  • meteorological services (MET),
  • communication, navigation and surveillance (CNS),
  • flight procedure design (FPD).



Conducts oversight of air navigation service provider in terms of openness and transparency of the costs of en-route and terminal services.

In addition, leads planning process of the Performance Plan to its finalization and final approval and monitoring of the achieved objectives in accordance with the Performance Plan. 

Performance Plan Croatia Third Reference Period (2020-2024)