

Transport of dangerous goods with foreign civil aircraft

Applicable legislation:

  • Zakon o prijevozu opasnih tvari (OG 79/07)
  • Pravilnik o uvjetima i načinu prijevoza opasnih roba zrakom (OG 21/19, 1/21)
  • Technical instructions for the safe transport of dangerous goods by air of the International Civil Aviation Organization, including the Supplement and any addenda, approved and published by the decision of the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO Doc 9284 AN/905)

Application from:  FAO-FRM-006

Third country operator must obtain approval for the transport of dangerous goods for overflight or landing and take-off from the Republic of Croatia.
The application form shall be submitted by the aircraft operator no later than seven (7) working days before the scheduled flight date.


Aircraft operator must hold EASA TCO Authorisation and submit copies of the following documents together with the application form:

  1. shipper’s declaration for the carriage of dangerous goods and
  2. valid insurance certificate issued in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 785/2004,
  3. charter agreement in English (in case of landing/take-off to/from Republic of Croatia)
  4. on request, Security Programme in English language and/or certificate that the Security Programme has been approved by the aviation authorities of the country of aircraft operator (in case of landing/take-off to/from Republic of Croatia),
  5. in case of carrying cargo and/or mail from third country airports: ACC3 designation according to Commission Regulations (EC) No. 300/2008 and 2015/1998,
  6. on request, other relevant information or documentation relating to the specific operation.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For the transport of dangerous goods forbidden for air transport under normal circumstances, aircraft operators must obtain an exemption / approval issued by a dangerous goods inspector.

More information on dangerous good and applicable application form can be found here.