

Air Traffic Controllers (ATC)

Air traffic controller licence and Student air traffic controller licence is issued in accordance with provisions of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/340 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures relating to air traffic controllers' licences and certificates.

Air traffic controller has to hold valid air traffic controller licence and valid medical certificate to perform air traffic control services.

Student air traffic controller licence is issued for the training purposes only and all tasks which student air traffic controller provides are conducted under supervision and in presence of the on-the- job training instructor.

Osposobljavanje (studenta) kontrolora zračnog prometa u svrhu stjecanja i održavanja vještina potrebnih za pružanje usluga kontrole zračnog prometa mogu obavljati organizacije za osposobljavanje kontrolora zračnog prometa koju je nadležno tijelo certificiralo za pružanje jednog ili više vrsta osposobljavanja.

Organizacije za osposobljavanje kontrolora zračnog prometa certificiraju se u skladu sa zahtjevima iz Uredbe Komisije (EU) 2015/340.


  • LIC-FRM-172 Application form for the issue/revalidation/ renewal of licences, ratings and endorsements
  • LIC-FRM-183 Application for the exchange of EU ATCO licence
  • LIC-FRM-184 Vrification letter on (Student) Air Traffic Controller licence
  • LIC-FRM-366 Application form for the issue of temporary OJTI or Assessor Authorisation