

Annex I Aircraft

Some categories of aircraft do not fall under the EU regulations. They are usually referred to as „Annex I aircraft“ after Annex I to the Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 that defines them.

These aircraft are subject to national rules, primarily the Pravilnik o projektiranju, prihvaćanju, gradnji i održavanju zrakoplova koji nisu u nadležnosti Europske agencije za sigurnost zračnog prometa (EASA) OG 40-12.
On the basis of provisions of the Ordinance on design, acceptance, construction and maintenance of non-EASA aircraft, Croatian Civil Aviation Agency publishes the List of accepted types of ultralight aircraft in Croatia.

The list is published in order to disseminate information on acceptance of specific types of ultralight aircraft in Croatia to all interested parties. Listed types of ultralight aircraft may be entered into the Croatian Civil Aircraft Register if airworthiness review shows that they are airworthy and comply with all other applicable regulations. List of accepted types of ultralight aircraft in Croatia